Interkerkelijk Koor, Papendrecht


Het repertoire van Les Chantres bestaat voornamelijk uit engels- en nederlandstalige praise- en gospelnummers.

De volgende liederen maken onderdeel uit van ons actuele repertoire:

- Agnus Deï / Worthy is the Lamb
- Because He lives
- Blessed is the King
- By faith
- Christ the Lord is risen today
- Do not be afraid
- God so loved
- Healing Touch Medley
- He is alive
- He is with us
- High and lifted up
- His Name shall be
- I have seen the Light
- In the Name of Jesus
- I will follow the Way of the Cross

- I will carry you

- Jerusalem
- Jesus, what a beautiful Name
- Look at the world
- Lord have mercy
- Lord, I need You
- Love has not forgotten us
- Prepare Ye the Way
- Remember Me
- Rise, come and see the King
- Son of God
- Sparrow
- Spirit of the Living God
- Surely, He is the Son of God
- Take the Name of Jesus with you
- Testify
- That's why I sing
- Then came the morning
- The Only Name
- This is amazing grace
- Via Dolorosa
- We beheld His Glory
- When I think upon Christmas
- Your Light has come

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